Corporate Advisory & Commerical Law


Generally, a business will move through 4 stages in its life-cycle – start-up, growth, maturity and exit. For each of these stages the needs and issues relevant to the business and the relevant stakeholders will change. Corporate advisory typically involves providing strategic, commercial and structural advice to assist the business to move to the next stage and to manage the risk and exposure of the business’ owners. We can provide legal advice in respect of each of those matters.


Some considerations may include:

  • the most appropriate corporate structure, such as a holding company, a trading company and, or asset-rich company;
  • whether or not a trust ought to be set up to further minimise personal exposure;
  • the most appropriate means of raising capital, either by way of loan or equity;
  • Personal Property and Securities Act issues including obtaining and registering security interests; and
  • putting in place the necessary documents to provide for buy out / buy back mechanisms, dispute resolution and valuations (to name a few) in the future such as company constitutions, shareholders deeds and share sale agreement.

Further, commercial law typically involves drafting and advising on, documents that effect commercial transactions. We have assisted our clients on preparing various documents to effect a myriad of transactions, including the following:

  • Shareholders’ agreements, including share sale and subscription agreements;
  • Loan agreements, including and general security deeds;
  • Licence agreements;
  • Service agreements;
  • Trust deeds;
  • Asset sale agreements including contracts for the sale of business; and
  • Terms and conditions, including privacy policies.

Please contact the team on (02) 9025 0808 for more information.

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